Royalwill professionally prepare your print files (rule books, punch boards, box, etc), making sure that they meet our design guidelines and are good for printing. We have layout artists who can optimize the specifications for your printed materials and check that they are easy to update for any subsequent print runs or language editions. Please note that this service does not include any illustration.

The Design verification process helps your files to convey the optimal information for production. We can even begin Design Verification work even before signing a final contract. The benefits are to begin the manufacturing process without delay, saving you time and allowing your backers and retail outlets to receive their games in a head start. The prepress specialist will review your printed files to ensure they meet our design guidelines for printing. If your game has custom plastics, our plastics specialist can analyze your 3D designs or physical sculpts to provide suggestions and tips for minor design tweaks that can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Our wood, dice, and metal component teams can verify your component designs, ensuring they are suitable for manufacturing, and help with providing suggestions and solutions for any changes needed. And, as a final checkpoint during the design verification step of a project, we will create a full set of online digital proofs for you to review and approve before we begin the sampling process.